Pinewood Museum building
Wooden Butter Press
Tabletop hockey game
Ruby Street Bison (bones)
Vintage Coal Iron

Association of Manitoba Museums
A Museum Called Manitoba
150th year since Canada’s Confederation -- in 2017.
150th anniversary of Manitoba becoming a province -- in 2020.

These two milestones inspired A Museum Called Manitoba – the Association of Manitoba Museums online exhibit of 150 artifacts telling Manitoba’s stories. Museums throughout the province submitted almost 250 artifacts for inclusion in this exhibit from which AMM adjudicators selected 150.

These 150 artifacts could be called priceless but, after all, they are just things. Their real value lies in the stories of the people who owned, used, lived in, and cherished these artifacts.

The Association of Manitoba Museums has strived to ensure the artifact descriptions are accurate and informative. However, we realize errors can still occur and relevant information could be missed. If you notice a mistake, or have additional information that would be relevant, please email your comments and suggestions to us. This is a living exhibit and as such changes and updates are expected.


A Museum Called Manitoba was supported in part by / Ce projet est financé en partie par: