Benefits of Membership
Programs, Services and Member Benefits
Learning Opportunities
The AMM offers excellent professional development opportunities for staff (paid and volunteer) and boards of museums. Including:
- Certificate Program in Museum Practice eight, one or two-day courses, taught in a workshop format, or in 4 to 6 online sessions (still in development), designed for those who are new to the museum world or who wish to obtain a better understanding of museums. The courses are:
- Organizing and Managing Museums
- Museums and the Community
- Collections Management
- Collections Care and Preventive Conservation for Museums
- Research: Policies, plans... action!
- Exhibit Design
- Museums and Education
- The Museum Facility
- Specialized Courses
- Annual Conference
- Pre-Conference Workshop
The Cultural Stewardship Program (CSP) helps museums and other heritage institutions look after their artifacts. From storage and packing, to facilities and buildings, CSP helps members with their conservation issues. Past participants have used the information from the CSP to improve storage, upgrade facilities, and even leverage money from other sources to address their conservation needs. CSP services available to AMM members, for a nominal fee, include:
- Site visits
- Advisory services on preventive conservation and emergency preparedness
- Loan of Environmental Monitoring Equipment and Pest Monitoring Kits
All CSP fees will be waived for Members until further notice to help reduce the impact of COVID-19 on museums
Database, Website and Social Media
- Members in good standing are able to submit an Expression of Interest letter to be included on the wait list for Musetoba, the new collections management database created by the AMM.
- Members get a free webpage where they can post pictures, events, and update their information
- Sharing events and news items sent to us via Facebook and Twitter to increase public awareness and interest
- AMM Messenger, an e-newsletter sent every two weeks
- Special Publications
- AMM Standards for Manitoba Museums (Now available free online)
- Other People’s Heritage
- IDEAS – Museum Success Stories
- Privacy Documentation for Museums and Archives
- Log Preparation for Building Repairs: A Practical Workshop
- ABCs of Collections Care (electronic and in French)
- The End of Our Memories (DVD, limited availability)
- Reduced rates for the Annual Conference, workshops and courses.
- AMM publications
- AMM members are entitled to a discount at Carr McLean for purchases over $100 (contact the AMM for the discount code which changes annually).
- Free admission to participating museums
Resource Library
- Members have free access to the AMM’s resource library and to the City of Winnipeg Museums Board library.
Membership Applications
Institutional Membership fees are on a sliding scale based on your annual operating budget and range from $40 to $400 annually.
Institutional *Associate Membership - fee is either $65 or $125, depending on how many paid staff the institution has.
Individual Membership fee is $35.
Family Membership is $45.
Student Membership is $25
Individual Associate Membership is $50
*Associate Memberships are for non-heritage organizations in Manitoba or museums or individuals outside of Manitoba ONLY - no voting privileges and limited benefits.
Institutional Membership Renewal form
Institutional Membership Application form
Individual Member Application form