As the voice of museums in Manitoba the Association always takes advantage of opportunities to advocate for them.
As a liaison, the Association represents the views and concerns of its members to the provincial and federal governments. The Association attends events like Canadian Museums Day, which takes place on Parliament Hill, and the Canadian Museums Association annual conference in order to give the AMM and its members a presence on the national stage and to have our collective voice heard.
How museums benefit society
The Association believes that museums are an important and integral part of society. They are places of learning, and connection to each other, the past, and the future. They are meeting places and places of solitude. They make a positive contribution to a community’s quality of life, economically and otherwise.
Museums Awareness Initiative
The Museums Awareness Initiative of the AMM recognizes what museums do to preserve, present, and promote heritage during the month of May and to celebrate Manitoba Day on May 12 and International Museums Day on May 18.
This is accomplished by encouraging member museums to hold or participate in special events in honour of these special dates and by utilizing social media to promote museums and Manitoba Day.