Additional Resources
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) Notes:
CCI Notes deal with topics of interest to those who care for cultural objects. Intended for a broad audience, the Notes offer practical advice about issues and questions related to the care, handling and storage of cultural objects. Many Notes are illustrated and provide bibliographies as well as suggestions for contacting suppliers. There are currently over 100 Notes in this ever-expanding series written by CCI staff members.
Conserve O Grams
The US National Park Service has developed a similar series of leaflets called Conserve O Grams. They are available free of charge online. They are regularly adding new ones and revising old ones as new information becomes available. at
Other Helpful Resources
Museums Association of Saskatchewan: closing a museum for the winter
American Institute for Conservation: Caring for Your Treasures
The Library of Congress: storage, handling and preservation of newspapers
List of suppliers of conservation materials such as:
- conservation supplies
- storage furniture & shelving
- plastics & polymers
- environment (monitoring, controls, kits)
- handling, safety supplies
- exhibit & display
- information management (mircofilm readers, service, repair, etc.)
- AV (audio/visual)
- pest control
- buildings & construction
- chemicals, scientific
- equipment
- disaster planning & recovery
- storage materials
- safety supplies
Helpful Videos
Making a Custom Box
Example of a Custom Box
You can contact the CSP Conservator via email (conservator (at) museumsmanitoba (dot) com) or call the AMM office at 204-947-1782.