Emergency Preparedness
What would you do if the unthinkable happened? Are you prepared to handle an emergency? What would you do if water was cascading through the doors and down the stairs of your museum? How do you deal with furs that have taken an unexpected swim in their storage vault? These are a few of the emergencies that have happened in the past.
If your museum does not have a risk management plan in place, the AMM’s Cultural Stewardship Program (CSP) can help your museum create a thorough plan that you can execute in the event of an emergency.
Participants in the CSP will develop an Emergency Preparedness plan so they can Respond, Recover, and Resume when the unthinkable happens. Don’t be left standing around wondering what to do when an emergency strikes. Please contact the AMM office at 204-947-1782 or email the CSP Conservator (conservator (at) museumsmanitoba (dot) com) for additional information.
Click HERE to apply for a Site Visit
All CSP fees will be waived for Members until further notice
to help reduce the impact of COVID-19 on museums.
Click HERE for our list of Suppliers of conservation materials such as:
- conservation supplies
- storage furniture & shelving
- plastics & polymers
- environment (monitoring, controls, kits)
- handling, safety supplies
- exhibit & display
- information management (mircofilm readers, service, repair, etc.)
- AV (audio/visual)
- pest control
- buildings & construction
- chemicals, scientific
- equipment
- disaster planning & recovery
- storage materials
- safety supplies