List Museums By Name
Living Prairie Museum
2795 Ness Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3J 3S4
Region: Winnipeg
Primary Phone: 204-832-0167
Email: Email Now
Admission: By Donation. Fees for workshops and environmental education programs.
Regular Hours:
Interpretive Centre Hours:
May, June, and September
Sundays, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
July and August - 7 days a week, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Environmental Education Programs are available by appointment year-round.
Off Season Hours:
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 PM
Education Programs by appointment.
About the Museum:
The Living Prairie Museum is a 12 hectare (30 acre) tall grass prairie preserve located inside the City of Winnipeg. Set aside in 1968, this preserve is home to over 160 species of prairie plants and a great array of prairie wildlife. Prior to European settlement, tall grass prairie covered one million square kilometers in central North America, stretching from Texas to southern Manitoba. Today tall grass prairie is all but gone. In Manitoba only 1/20th of 1% of the original tall grass prairie remains. The Living Prairie Museum is one of the few remaining fragments of this once vast ecosystem.
Keep in Touch!
Twitter: @LivingPrairie
Instagram: @livingprairiemuseum
Museum Events:
Living Prairie Museum offers a variety of activities throughout the year. Be sure to check our website, or follow us on facebook, twitter, or instagram for upcoming events.
Prairie Planting Workshops
Learn how to grow prairie plants at home. Workshops take place in April or May, and are taught by restoration expert John Morgan.
Prairie Plant Sales
Purchase live native plants from Prairie Flora beginning May long weekend.
Public Guided Hikes
We offer free hikes on Tuesday mornings. Please call ahead to register.
Thursday Theme Days
Free, family summer programs every Thursday in July and August. Our one-hour sessions feature prairie-related presentations, guided hikes, and activities for kids.
Monarch Butterfly Festival
Crafts, displays, presentations, live butterflies, and more! This free, family event takes place on the third Sunday in July, rain or shine.
Volunteer Seed Collecting
Help museum staff collect seed from native seed plots and prairie remnants. Seed is sustainably harvested in order to conserve the genetic heritage of the prairie.
Snowshoe Sundays
Free snowshoe rentals. No experience required! First and last Sunday of January and February.
Winter Speaker Series
Learn about prairie research, wildlife, and cultural activities taking place in Manitoba. Tuesday evenings from January to March.
For Educators
Museum staff provide curriculum-based environmental education programs that are suited to all ages and abilities. Friendly naturalists will engage your students with an indoor presentation, exploration of the interpretive centre, and an outdoor adventure where students learn about nature, in nature. Activities include guided hikes, experiments, games, prairie sampling, and more. Please contact the museum, or visit our website, for available programs.
Virtual Tour:
(click image to enlarge)