List Museums By Name
Musee des Pionniers et des Chanoinesses
55 Rogers
Notre Dame de Lourdes MB R0G 1M0
Region: Central
Primary Phone: 204-248-7290
Secondary Phone: 204-248-7220
Email: Email Now
Admission: $2 per person / pre-school children free
Regular Hours:
Our hours are 8:30 to 4:30 year round. Regular tours during these hours and special tours during the evening and weekends are available but must be pre-booked.
About the Museum:
The Pioneers Museum/Musee des Pionniers tells the story of the founding of NotreDame-de-Lourdes in 1891 through to today. When visitors enter the museum, they first learn about the founder of the community. As they follow the railway tracks, they learn about the arrival of the first pioneers, the first doctor, the first veterinarian and the development of the early businesses. As the 20th century evolved, so too did the extracurricular activities such as sports, music and various volunteer organizations, all of which are depicted in the museum. A great display of artifacts can be found to describe life in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes from 1891 to the 21 st century. Of special note is an exhibit about Gabrielle Roy's first year of teaching in nearby Cardinal, and the effect this one year had on her future work as a writer.
The Chanoinesses Museum/Musee des Chanoinesses is dedicated to the work of the religious order of nuns, known as Les Soeurs du Sauveur, who came from France to help establish the flourishing community.
The museum is wheelchair accessible.
Virtual Tour: Geocache coordinates: N49o 31.853 W098o 33.414
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