List Museums by Region
Arden Lansdowne Museum
414 Lansdowne Ave
Arden MB R0J 0B0
Region: Western
Primary Phone: 204-368-2202
Email: Email Now
Admission: Donation
Regular Hours:
Saturday and Sundays from 2-4 pm bginning in June - August. Can be opened by request by calling Doris at 204-368-2229.
Off Season Hours:
About the Museum:
"A peek into the past of Lansdowne and area" Something for everyone.
Other things to see in the area are a walking trail, burial mound site, ox cart, Lansdowne Centennial Park, Crocus Monument, CPR push cart, Historical Cement Block buildings, kiosks - settlement trails and native prairie plants, Arden Anglican Church Cairn, Arden 3 Schools Cairn, Arden Bank vault, Arden Cemetary, Arden war memorial Glacial Lake Agassiz Plague, Seneca Rock
Museum Events:
The first Saturday in May is our annual CrocusFestival which features a silent auction, quilt raffle, children's entertainment, a pooh stick race, wagon ride to the sites including the Arden Lansdowne Museum and even more!
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