List Museums by Region
New Iceland Heritage Museum
108 - 94 1st Avenue
Gimli MB R0C 1B1
Region: Interlake
Primary Phone: 204-642-4001
Email: Email Now
Admission: Adults - $7.00: Students and Seniors $6.00: Family rate $15.00: Group rate $4.00 per person, Under 6 FREE!
Regular Hours:
Summer Hours: daily from 10 AM to 4 PM
Off Season Hours:
Winter: daily from 10 AM to 4 PM
About the Museum:
Through the presentation of dynamic permanent exhibits, temporary and traveling exhibits, with a variety of workshops, lectures and programs the New Iceland Heritage Museum strives to serve the public as a valuable community resource that meets the increasing needs of new audiences and that provide relevant topics and issues in a rapidly changing world. Remember to explore the history of Lake Winnipeg at the Visitor Centre in the summer.
Museum Events:
Manitoba Day, May 12
October - Annual Walk to the White Rock (site of the first Icelandic settlers)
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