Museum Events
The Seton Centre
116 Main Street
Carberry MB R0K 0H0
Region: Western
Primary Phone: 204-834-2509
Email: Email Now
Admission: By donation
Regular Hours:
9 - 5:30 Tuesday to Friday
10:00 - 3:30 Monday, Saturday
Off Season Hours:
by appointment 204-834-2342, 204-834-2777
About the Museum:
The Seton Centre displays artwork, books and memorabilia by world-famous artist, writer and naturalist, Ernest Thompson Seton. The Centre focuses on Manitoba and Carberry Sandhills natural history.
Visit Little Seton Park, behind the museum, and see the display of native plants of the area and the wolf sculpture. The sculpture represents Seton's devotion to the wild animals in the Sprucewoods area and Lobo the Wolf, one of his stories in Wild Animals I Have Known. Seton ended up with the nickname Wolf and signed his books with an added wolf paw print.
Museum Events:
Ernest Thompson Seton's birthday, mid-August
Virtual Tour: Community Memories: "Ernest Thompson Seton: Trail of the Sandhill Stag near Carberry"
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